MAIL English Version


Marin Sais

1890 - 1971

Die Schauspielerin Marin Sais gehört zu den Pionieren des amerikanischen Films, ihr erster Film entstand bereits 1910 mit dem Titel "Twelfth Night" (10).

Begonnen hatte sie ihre Laufbahn jedoch beim Vaudeville in New York, ehe sie bei Vitagraph Studios ihren ersten Film drehte.
Danach ging sie zur Kalem Company und sie agierte in zahlreichen Filmen wie "Accidents Will Happen" (12), "The Kidnapped Conductor" (12), "In Peril of Their Lives" (12), "The Pony Express Girl" (12), "The Last Blockhouse" (13), "The Redemption" (13), "The Cheyenne Massacre" (13), "The Girl and the Gangster" (13), "The Invaders" (13), "The Man Who Vanished" (13) und "The Big Horn Massacre" (13).

Mitte der 10er Jahre erreichte sie den Höhepunkt ihrer Popularität und sie spielte in unterschiedlichen Genres wie Western, Komödien, Dramen und ab 1915 auch in einer Serie rund um die Figur eines weiblichen Detektives.

Bis Ende der 10er Jahre agierte sie unter anderem in den Produktionen "Trapped" (14), "The Master Rogue" (14), "The Quicksands" (14), "The Potter and the Clay" (14), "The Girl Detective" (15), "Ham in a Harem" (15), "The Closed Door" (15), "The Vanishing Vases (15), "The Secret Code" (15), "The Man on Watch" (15), "Black Magic" (16), "A Battle in the Dark" (16), "Border Wolves" (16), "The Black Rider of Tasajara" (17), "The Secret of Lost Valley" (17), "The Door in the Mountain" (17), "The Ghost of the Desert" (17), "The Vanity Pool" (18) und "The Gray Wolf's Ghost" (19). Bei vielen dieser Filme agierte sie neben dem Filmstar Hoot Gibson.

1920 heiratete Marin Sais den Westerndarsteller Jack Hoxie, den sie bereits 1916 bei Dreharbeiten kennenlernte.
Die beiden agierten in den kommenden Jahren oft zusammen in Westernfilmen und nach ihrer Scheidung 1925 blieb Marin Sais diesem Genre weiterhin treu.
Zu ihren Filmen dieser Jahre gehören "Dead or Alive" (21), "The Hellion" (24), "A Roaring Adventure" (25), "Men of Daring" (27), "A Son of the Desert" (28) und Come and Get It!" (29).

Mit dem Tonfilm agierte sie vermehrt in sogenannten Low-Budget-Filmen, wobei es sich mit wenigen Ausnahmen wieder um Westernfilme handelte.
Sie führte ihre Laufbahn bis Ende der 40er Jahre fort, zu ihren zahlreichen Auftritten gehören "The Fighting Cowboy" (33), "Circle of Death" (35), "Drums of Destiny" (37), "Phantom Gold" (38), "The Mad Empress" (39), "Sky Bandits" (40), "Saddlemates" (41), "The Iron Claw" (41), "Murder in Times Square" (43), "Enemy of Women" (44), "Girls of the Big House" (45), "Stagecoach to Denver" (46) und "Big Town After Dark" (47).

Weitere Filme mit Marin Sais: 
The Ranger's Stratagem (11) Mesquite's Gratitude (11) How Texas Got Left (11) He Who Laughs Last (11) The "Revenue" and the Girl" (11) Walk, You, Walk! (12) The Swimming Party (12) The Tenderfoot's Troubles (12) The Girl Bandit's Hoodoo (12) The Mine Swindler (12) Dr. Skinnem's Wonderful Invention (12) Paying the Board Bill (12) Death Valley Scotty's Mine (12) Pat the Soothsayer (12) Brave Old Bill (12) Days of '49 (12) The Bachelor's Bride (12) I Saw Him First (12) The Chaperon Gets Ducking (12) Something Wrong with Bessie (12) Red Sweeney's Mistake (13) The Buckskin Coat (13) The Mountain Witch (13) The Honor System (13) The Attack at Rocky Pass (13) The California Oil Crooks (13) The Circle of Fate (13) The Battle for Freedom (13) The Poet and the Soldier (13) The Struggle (13) The Bandit's Child (13) The Scheme of Shiftless Sam Smith (13) On the Brink of Ruin (13) Intemperance (13) The Fight at Grizzly Gulch (13) The Skeleton in the Closet (13) Trooper Billy (13) The Chinese Death Thorn (13) Death Sign at High Noon (14) The Shadow of Guilt (14) The District Attorney's Duty (14) The Boer War (14) The Barrier of Ignorance (14) The Smuggler of Lone Isle (14) Shannon of the Sixth (14) The Chief of Police (14) The Rajah's Vow (14) The Derelict (14) The Bond Eternal (14) The Primitive Instinct (14) Micky Flynn's Escapade (14) The Prison Stain (14) The Winning Whiskers (14) The Fatal Opal (14) The Waitress and the Boobs (15) A Boob for Luck (15) Cooky's Adventure (15) The Tragedy of Bear Mountain (15) The Cause of It All (15) The Insurance Nightmare (15) Ham at the Garbage Gentleman's Ball (15) Ham Among the Redskins (15) Ham's Harrowing Duel (15) The Pollywogs Picnic (15) Lotta Coin's Gold (15) The Phoney Cannibal (15) The Clairvoyant Swindlers (15) The Figure in Black (15) The Secret Well (15) The Money Leeches (15) The Vivisectionist (15) The Accomplice (15) Mysteries of the Grand Hotel (15) The Strangler's Cord (15) The Disappearing Necklace (15) The Riddle of the Rings (15) The Substituted Jewel (15) The Barnstormers (15) A Double Identity (15) The False Clue (15) When Thieves Fall Out (15) Under Oath (15) The Wolf's Prey (15) The Man in Irons (15) The Dream Seekers (15) The Pitfall (15) Stingaree (15) The Social Pirates (16) The Corsican Sisters (16) The Girl from Frisco (16) The Fighting Heiress (16) The Turquoise Mine Conspiracy (16) The Oil Field Plot (16) Tigers Unchained (16) The Ore Plunderers (16) The Treasure of Cibola (16) The Gun Runners (16) The Web of Guilt (16) The Reformation of Dog Hole (16) The Yellow Hand (16) The Harvest of Gold (16) The Son of Cain (16) The Witch of the Dark House (16) The Mystery of the Brass Bound Chest (16) The Fight for Paradise Valley (16) The Poisoned Dart (16) The Stain of Chuckawalla (16) On the Brink of War (16) The False Prophet (17) The Resurrection of Gold Bar (17) The Phantom Mine (17) The Wolf of Los Alamos (17) The Dominion of Fernandez (17) The Lost Legion of the Border (17) Sagebrush Law (17) The Homesteaders' Feud (17) The Fate of Juan Garcia (17) The Skeleton Canyon Raid (17) The Vulture of Skull Mountain (17) The Tyrant of Chiracahua (17)  The Trapping of Two-Bit Tuttle (17) The Vanished Line Rider (17) The Man Hunt at San Remo (17) The Further Adventures of Stingaree (17) The Man from Tia Juana (17) The Pot o' Gold (17) The Golden Eagle Trail (17) Whirlwind of Whiskers (17) The City of Dim Faces (18) His Birthright (18) Bonds of Honor (19) Thunderbolt Jack (20) The Sheriff of Hope Eternal (21) The Broken Spur (21) Riders of the Law (22) Wolf Tracks (23) Good Men and Bad (23) Behind Two Guns (24) The Measure of a Man (24) The Red Rider (25) The Wild Horse Stampede (26) Rough and Ready (27) The Harvester (27) The Fighting Three (27) Wheels of Destiny (34) Rawhide Romance (34) The Man from Hell (34) When Lightning Strikes (34) Outlaw Rule (35) The Pace That Kills (35) Tell Your Children (36) Windjammer (37) Trailing Trouble (37) Renfrew of the Royal Mounted (37) Pioneer Trail (38) I Stand Accused (38) Santa Fe Stampede (38) Lone Star Pioneers (39) Riders of the Frontier (39) The Shadow (40) Convicted Woman (40) Wild Horse Range (40) One Man's Law (40) Deadwood Dick (40) The Durango Kid (40) Two Gun Sheriff (41) Billy the Kid in Santa Fe (41) Cracked Nuts (41) Sierra Sue (41) Forbidden Trails (41) A Tragedy at Midnight (42) South of Santa Fe (42) Harvest Melody (43) Frontier Outlaws (44) Oath of Vengeance (44) Lightning Raiders (45) Bells of Rosarita (45) Along the Navajo Trail (45) Love, Honor and Goodbye (45) Border Badmen (45) King of the Forest Rangers (46) Terrors on Horseback (46) Rendezvous 24 (46) Yankee Fakir (47) Ride, Ryder, Ride! (49) Roll, Thunder, Roll! (49) The Fighting Redhead (49) Cowboy and the Prizefighter (49) Serie "The Great Jesse james Raid: The Lone Ranger" (50) Serie "The Great Jesse James Raid: Double Jeopardy" (50) 

Barb Wire (1922) 
