
- 1992 |
Der Produzent und Regisseur Hal Roach zählt zu den wichtigsten
Filmpionieren der USA. Ihm verdanken wir Star-Komiker wie Harold
Lloyd oder Laurel & Hardy, aber auch
die unvergesslichen "Kleinen Strolche". Das Werk von Hal Roach umfasst
eine schier unglaubliche Zahl von Filmen, vor allem als Produzent zeichnete
er sich für weit mehr als 700 Filme verantwortlich.
Hal Roach kam 1912 nach Hollywood, wo er verschiedenste Arbeiten ausübte,
u.a auch als Statist für kleine Filme. Dabei lernte er den Statisten
Harold Lloyd kennen und schätzen, deren Freundschaft später in
einer grossartigen Zusammenarbeit mündete.
1914 konnte Hal Roach dank einer kleinen Erbschaft seine eigene Filmgesellschaft
gründen und nahm Harold Lloyd als seinen ersten Star unter Vertrag.
Roach arbeitete bereits bei seinen ersten Filmen auch als Regisseur und
realisierte mit Harold Lloyd eine ganze Serie rund um die Figur Lonesome
Am Ende des ersten Filmjahrzehnts von Hal Roach zählte er zu den
wichtigsten Produzenten und Regisseuren, Harold Lloyd avancierte zum grossen
Zu Hal Roachs Filmen der 10er Jahre gehören u.a. "Just Nuts" (15),
"Lonesome Luke" (15), "Luke's Double" (16), "Luke's Lost Liberty" (17),
"Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon" (17), "Rainbow Island" (17), "The Non-Stop
Kid" (18), "Somewhere in Turkey" (18), "Ask Father" (19), "Ring Up the
Curtain" (19) und "Count the Votes" (19).
In den 20er Jahren wurde sein Imperium derart gross, dass er von nun
an die meisten Filme von anderen Regisseuren inszenieren liess. Er konzentrierte
sich auf die wichtige Aufgabe des Produzenten und landete einen weiteren
weltweiten Erfolg mit seiner Idee zu "Our Gang - Die kleinen Strolche",
die er ab 1922 produzierte. Er engagierte Will Rogers und drehte mit ihm
eine Reihe von Komödien und Charley Chase, der zunächst als Regisseur
unter Vertrag genommen wurde, avancierte bei Hal Roach zu einem der erfolgreichsten
Komikern der Stummfilmzeit.
Schliesslich folgte Hal Roachs grösster Wurf mit der Zusammenführung
von Oliver Hardy und Stan Laurel zum berühmtesten Filmduo aller Zeiten.
Der Tonfilm vermochte den Siegeszug von Hal Roachs Produktionen nicht
zu stoppen - im Gegenteil. "Our Gang" und Laurel & Hardy konnten in
den 30er Jahren grössere Erfolge erzielen als je zuvor. Und mit der
Entscheidung, Laurel & Hardy nebst in Kurzfilmen auch in abendfüllenden
Filmen zu präsentieren, zementierte er die Unsterblichkeit der beiden.
Mitte der 30er Jahre begann eine grosse Umstellung bei Hal Roach. Er
verkaufte die Rechte an "Our Gang" an MGM und löste sich von den Kurzfilmen.
Hal Roach begann, vermehrt Spielfilme zu produzieren und hatte grossen
Erfolg mit "Topper" (37), "There Goes My Heart" (38), "Of Mice and Men"
(39), "Captain Fury" (39), "One Million B.C." (40)
Anfangs der 40er Jahre lancierte er Komödien mit William Bendix
und Noah Beery jr., doch der Erfolg konnte sich nicht mehr mit früheren
Im 2. Weltkrieg diente Roach in der Armee und sein Studio produzierte
eine Reihe von kriegsbezogenen Filmen. Als Roach nach dem Krieg erneut
als Produzent Fuss zu fassen versuchte, scheiterte er mit Filmen wie "Curley"
(46) und "Who Killed Doc Robbin" (48) und veranlasste ihn, sich für
den Rückzug aus dem Filmgeschäft zu entschliessen.
Hal Roach verkaufte 1955 sein Studio an seinen Sohn, doch schlechte
Geschäftspraktiken führten schon nach ein paar Jahren zum Konkurs
des Studios.
In den 50er Jahren trat Hal Roach vor allem als Produzent für das
Fernsehen in den Vordergrund, danach zog er sich ins Privatleben zurück
und wurde nur noch ganz selten als Produzent aktiv.
In seiner intensiven Filmkarriere erhielt er 1932 einen Oscar für
den Laurel & Hardy-Klassiker "The Music Box", einen weiteren Oscar
gab es für "Bored of Education" (36). Zudem wurde er für den
Oscar nominiert für "Tit for Tat" (35).
Als Hal Roach 1984 den Ehrenoscar verliehen bekam, hielt er vor dem
Publikum eine Ansprache. Doch das Mikrofon viel genau in diesem Moment
aus und die Zuschauer bekamen kein einziges Wort von Roach mit. Am Ende
seiner Rede bemerkte Billy Crystal - der durch die Zeremonie führte
- trocken, dass wir nun alle wissen, warum die 10er und 20er Jahre "The
Silent Era" genannt wurden.
Weitere Filme von Hal Roach als
Once Every Ten Minutes (15) Spit-Ball Sadie (15) Soaking
the Clothes (15) Pressing His Suit (15) Terribly Stuck Up (15) A Mixup
for Mazie (15) Some Baby (15) Fresh from the Farm (15) Giving Them Fits
(15) Bughouse Bellhops (15) Tinkering with Trouble (15) Great While It
Lasted (15) Ragtime Snap Shots (15) A Foozle at the Tee Party (15) Ruses,
Rhymes and Roughnecks (15) Peculiar Patients' Pranks (15) Lonesome Luke,
Social Gangster (15) Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary (16) Luke Lugs
Luggage (16) Lonesome Luke Lolls in Luxury (16) Luke, the Candy Cut-Up
(16) Luke Foils the Villain (16) Luke and the Rural Roughnecks (16) Luke
Pipes the Pippins (16) Lonesome Luke, Circus King (16) Them Was the Happy
Days! (16) Luke and the Bomb Throwers (16) Luke's Late Lunchers (16) Luke
Laughs Last (16) Luke's Fatal Flivver (16) Luke's Society Mixup (16) Luke's
Washful Waiting (16) Luke Rides Roughshod (16) Luke, Crystal Gazer (16)
Luke's Lost Lamb (16) Luke Does the Midway (16) Luke Joins the Navy (16)
Luke and the Mermaids (16) Luke's Speedy Club Life (16) Luke and the Bang-Tails
(16) Luke, the Chauffeur (16) Luke's Preparedness Preparations (16) Luke,
the Gladiator (16) Luke, Patient Provider (16) Luke's Newsie Knockout (16)
Luke's Movie Muddle (16) Luke, Rank Impersonator (16) Luke's Fireworks
Fizzle (16) Luke Locates the Loot (16) Luke's Shattered Sleep (16) Luke's
Busy Day (17) Luke's Trolley Troubles (17) Lonesome Luke, Lawyer (17) Luke
Wins Ye Ladye Faire (17) Lonesome Luke's Lively Life (17) Lonesome Luke
on Tin Can Alley (17) Lonesome Luke, Plumber (17)
Stop! Luke! Listen! (17) Lonesome Luke, Messenger (17) Lonesome Luke, Mechanic
(17) Lonesome Luke's Wild Women (17) Over the Fence (17) Lonesome Luke
Loses Patients (17) Pinched (17) By the Sad Sea Waves (17) Birds of a Feather
(17) Bliss (17) Lonesome Luke From London to Laramie (17) Love, Laughs
and Lather (17) The Flirt (17) Clubs Are Trump (17) All Aboard (17) We
Never Sleep (17) Move On (17) Bashful (17) Lonesome Luke's Lovely Rifle
(17) The Tip (18) The Big Idea (18) The Lamb (18) Swing Your Partners (18)
No Place Like Jail (18) Why Pick on Me? (18) Nothing But Trouble (18) Hear
'Em Rave (18) Take a Chance (18) She Loves Me Not (18) Bees in His Bonnet
(18) Hit Him Again (18) Hey There! (18) Kicked Out (18) Two-Gun Gussie
(18) Fireman Save My Child (18) The City Slicker (18) Sic 'Em, Towser (18)
Are Crooks Dishonest? (18) An Ozark Romance (18) Kicking the Germ Out of
Germany (18) That's Him (18) Bride and Gloom (18) Two Scrambled (18) Beat
It (18) A Gasoline Wedding (18) Look Pleasant, Please (18) Here Come the
Girls (18) Let's Go (18) On the Jump (18) Follow the Crowd (18) Pipe the
Whiskers (18) It's a Wild Life (18) The Movie Mummy (18) Just Rambling
Along (18) Back to the Woods (18) Do You Love Your Wife? (19) On the Fire
(19) Hoot Mon! (19) Bumping Into Broadway (19) Captain Kidd's Kids (19)
From Hand to Mouth (19) Looking for Trouble (19) His Only Father (19) Wanted
- $5'000 (19) Going! Going! Gone! (19) Hustling for Health (19) I'm on
My Way (19) Look Oout Below (19) The Dutiful Dub (19) Next Aisle Over (19)
A Sammy In Siberia (19) Just Dropped In (19) Young Mr. Jazz (19) Crack
Your Heels (19) Si, Senor (19) Before Breakfast (19) The Marathon (19)
Pistols for Breakfast (19) Swat the Crook (19) Off the Trolley (19) Spring
Fever (19) Billy Blazes, Esq. (19) Just Neighbors (19) At the Old Stage
Door (19) Never Touched Me (19) A Jazzed Honeymoon (19) Count Your Change
(19) Chop Suey & Co. (19) Be My Wife (19) Heap Big Chief (19) Don't
Shove (19) The Rajah (19) He Leads, Other Follow (19) Soft Money (19) Pay
Your Dues (19) His Royal Slyness (20) All Lit Up (20) Run 'Em Ragged (20)
Get Out and Get Under (20) Nomads of the North (20) Haunted Spooks (20)
High and Dizzy (20) Number, Please? (20) Now or Never (21) I Do (21) Among
Those Present (21) Name the Day (21) Never Weaken (21) A Sailor-Made Man
(21) Spot Cash (21) The Joy Rider (21) Dodge Your Debts (21) White Eagle
(22) Stage Struck (22) Down & Out (22) Pardon Me (22) Hot Off the Press
(22) The Bow-Wows (22) The Anvil Chorus (22) Strictly Modern (22) Punch
the Clock (22) Hale and Hearty (22) The Timber Queen (22) Grandma's Boy
(22) One Terrible Day (22) Fire Fighters (22) Our Gang (22) Young Sherlocks
(22) Doctor Jack (22) Saturday Morning (22) Fruits of Faith (22) Years
to Come (22) A Quiet Street (22) The Golf Bug (22) Short Orders (23) Save
the Ship (23) Scorching Sands (23) Dig Up (23) The Champeen (23) The Cobbler
(23) A Pleasant Journey (23) Safety Last (23) California or Bust (23) Boys
to Board (23) The Noon Whistle (23) White Wings (23) Giants vs. Yanks (23)
Under Two Jags (23) Back Stage (23) Pick and Shovel (23) Dogs of War (23)
Collars and Cuffs (23) Kill or Cure (23) Lodge Night (23) Gas and Air (23)
The Mystery Man (23) Oranges and Lemons (23) Her Dangeorus Path (23) July
Days (23) The Walkout (23) Why Worry? (23) A Man About Town (23) No Noise
(23) Call of the Wild (23) Roughest Africa (23) Stage Fright (23) Just
Passing Through (23) It's a Gift (23) Frozen Hearts (23) Derby Day (23)
The Whole Truth (23) Hustlin' Hank (23) The Soilers (23) Join the Circus
(23) It's a Boy (23) Fully Insured (23) Uncensored Movies (23) Sunday Calm
(23) Mother's Joy (23) A Tough Winter (23) Flaming Flappers (23) Be Honest
(23) The Big Idea (24) Two Wagons Both Covered (24) Tire Trouble (24) Big
Business (24) Postage Due (24) The Cake Eater (24) The Buccaneers (24)
Zeb vs. Paprika (24) Big Moments From Little Pictures (24) Why Marry? (24)
Get Buoy (24) Seein' Things (24) The King of the Wild Horses (24) Brothers
Under the Chin (24) Commencement Day (24) Near Dublin (24) Cradle Robbers
(24) Don't Park There (24) Rupert of Hee Haw (24) Jubilo, Jr. (24) Wide
Open Spaces (24) Our Congressman (24) It's a Bear (24) Short Kilts (24)
A Truthful Liar (24) High Society (24) The Sun Down Limited (24) The Reel
Virginian (24) Every Man for Hmself (24) Fast Company (24) The Mysterious
Mystery! (2) Tell It to a Policeman (24) Law and Order (24) The Goofy Age
(24) All Wet (24) Smithy (24) The Big Town (25) Circus Fever (25) Dog Days
(25) Should Husbands Be Watched? (25) The Marriage Circus (25) The Love
Bug (25) Shootin' Injuns (25) Looking for Sally (25) Wild Papa (25) Ask
Grandma (25) Official Officers (25) Isn't Life Terrible? (25) Chasing the
Cahser (25) Yes, Yes, Nanette (25) Boys Will Be Joys (25) Mary, Queen of
Tots (25) Unfriendly Enemies (25) Your Own Back Yard (25) Black Cyclone
(25) Moonlight and Noses (25) Go West (25) Should Sailors Marry? (25) Laughing
Ladies (25) One Wild Ride (25) Starvation Blues (25) His Wooden Wedding
(25) Big Red Riding Hood (25) Good Cheer (26) What's the World Coming To?
(26) Your Husband's Past (26) Buried Treasure (26) Wandering Papas (26)
Dizzy Daddies (26) Monkey Business (26) Wife Tamers (26) The Old Warhorse
(26) Baby Clothes (26) Say It with Babies (26) Don Key (26) Uncle Tom's
Uncle (26) Long Fliv the King (26) Never Too Old (26) Thundering Fleas
(26) Mighty Like a Moose (26) Along Came Auntie (26) The Merry Widower
(26) Shivering Spooks (26) The Fourth Alarm (26) Crazy Like a Fox (26)
Should Husbands Pay? (26) The Devil Horse (26) Bromo and Juliet (26) Wise
Guys Prefer Brunettes (26) Get 'Em Young (26) Raggedy Rose (26) Be Your
Age (26) War Feathzers (26) On the Front Page (26) The Nickel-Hopper (26)
Telling Whoppers (26) Forty-five Minutes from Hollywood (26) Tell 'Em Nothing
(26) Scared Stiff (26) Mum's the Word (26) Dog Shy (26) Anything Once!
(27) Bring Home the Turkey (27) Two-Time Mama (27) Should Men Walk Home?
(27) Seeing the World (27) Why Girls Say No (27) One Hour Married (27)
Ten Years Old (27) Duck Soup (27) Slipping Wives (27) Love My Dog (27)
The Honorable Mr. Buggs (27) Tired Business Men (27) Eve's Love Letters
(27) Baby Brother (27) Love 'EM and Weep (27) Fluttering Hearts (27) The
Glorious Fourth (27) Why Girls Love Sailors (27) Olympic Games (27) With
Love and Hisses (27) Sugar Daddies (27) Yale vs. Harvard (27) Sailors Beware
(27) The Second Hundred Years (27) Now I'll Tell One (27) Call of the Cuckoo
(27) The Old Wallop (27) Hats Off (27) Chicken Feed (27) Love 'Em and Feed
'Em (27) Heebee Jeebees (27) Putting Pants on Philip (27) Assistant Wives
(27) Dog Heaven (27) Why Is a Plumber? (27) Don't Tell Everything (27)
The Battle of the Century (27) Playin' Hookey (28) Pass the Gravy (28)
Spook Spoofing (28) Leave 'Em Laughing (28) Rainy Days (28) Flying Elephants
(28) The Finishing Touch (28) The Smile Wins (28) Edison, Marconi &
Co. (28) Galloping Ghosts (28) From Soup to Nuts (29) Barnum & Ringling,
Inc. (28) You're Darn Tootin' (28) Crazy House (28) Fair and Muddy (28)
Their Purple Moment (28) Should Married Men Go Home? (28) Growing Pains
(28) Early to Bed (28) OldGray Hoss (28) Two Tars (28) The Boy Friend (28)
School Begins (28) Habeas Corpus (28) The Spanking Age (28) We Faw Down
(28) Should Tall Men Marry? (28) Election Day (29) Liberty (29) Noisy Noises
(29) Wrong Again (29) The Holy Terror (29) That's My Wife (29) Movie Night
(29) Wiggle Your Ears (29) Big Business (29) Unaccustomed As We Are (29)
Fast Freight (29) Small Talk (29) Double Shoopee (29) Little Mother (29)
Berth Marks (29) Railroadin' (29) Leaping Love (29) Men O'War (29) Snappy
Sneezer (29) Perfect Day (29) Lazy Days (29) Hotter Than Hot (29) Crazy
Feet (29) Boxing Gloves (29) Cat, Dog & Co. (29)They Go Boom (29) Sky
Boy (29) Bouncing Babies (29) Bacon Grabbers (29) Stepping Out (29) The
Hoose-Gow (29) Moan & Groan, Inc. (29) Angora Love (29) Great Gobs
(29) Night Owls (30) Shivering Shakespeare (30) The Real McCoy (30) Blotto
(30) The Fighting Parson (30) The First Seven Years (30) Whispering Whoopee
(30) Brats (30) The Big Kick (30) When the Wind Blows (30) All Teed Up
(30) Below Zero (30) The Shrimp (30) Bear Shooters (30) Hog Wild (30) The
King (30) A Tough Winter (30) Girl Shock (30) Locuras de amor (30) Pups
Is Pups (30) The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case (30) Doctor's Orders (30) Men
of the North (30) Teacher's Pet (30) Bigger and Better (30) The Head Guy
(30) School's Out (30) Another Fine Mess (30) Skirt Shy (30) Ladies Last
(30) Dollar Dizzy (30) Helping Grandma (31) Blood and Thunder (31) Be Big!
(31) Love Business (31) Chickens come Home (31) High Gear (31) The Pip
from Pittsburgh (31) Little Daddy (31) Laughing Gravy (31) Love Fever (31)
Bargain Days (31) Air-Tight (31) Our Wife (31) Fly My Kite (31) Pardon
Us (31) Big Ears (31) Skip the Maloo! (31) Come Clean (31) The Pajama Party
(31) Shiver My Timbers (31) Mama Loves Papa (31) One Good Turn (31) War
Mamas (31) Dogs Is Dogs (31) The Kickoff (31) Good Turn (31) Beau Hunks
(31) On the Loose (31) Helpmates (32) The Tabasco Kid (32) Readin' and
Writin' (32) Seal Skins (32) Love Pains (32) Free Eats (32) Any Old Port!
(32) Choo-Choo! (32) Red Noses (32) Spanky (32) You're Telling Me (32)
In Walked Charley (32) The Chimp (32) First in War (32) The Pooch (32)
Wild Babies (32) County Hospital (32) What Price Taxi (329 Hook and Ladder
(32) Young Ironsides (32) Scram! (32) Strange Innertube (32) Pack Up Your
Troubles (32) Hot Spot (32) Alum and Eve (32) Free Wheeling (32) Girl Grief
(32) The Soilers (32) Their First Mistake (32) Birthday Blues (32) A Lad
an' a Lamp (32) Mr. Bride (32) Towed in a Hole (32) The Knockout (32) Fish
Hooky (33) Fallen Arches (33) Wreckety Wrecks (33) Twice Two (33) Forgotten
Babies (33) Nature in the Wrong (33) Taxi Barons (33) The Bargain of the
Century (33) The Kid from Borneo (33) His Silent Racket (33) Fra Diavolo
(33) Call Her Sausage (33) Mush and Milk (33) Arabian Tights (33) The Rummy
(33) Thundering Taxis (33) The Midnight Patrol (33) Sherman Said It (33)
Bedtime Worries (33) Beauty and the Bus (33) Crook's Tour (33) Rhapsody
in Brew (33) Busy Bodies (33) Midsummer Mush (33) Wild Poses (33) Backs
to Nature (33) Dirty Work (33) Luncheon at Twelve (33) Twin Screws (33)
Sons of the Desert (33) Oliver the Eighth (34) The Cracked Iceman (34)
Babes in the Goods (34) Mixed Nuts (34) Next Week-end (34) Hi'-Neighbor!
(34) The Caretaker's Daughter (34) Apples to You! (34) For Pete's Sake!
(34) I'll Take Vanilla (34) The First Round-Up (34) Honky Donkey (34) Another
Wild Idea (34) Going Bye-Bye! (34) Them Thar Hills (34) One Horse Farmers
(34) Mike Fright (34) Something Simple (34) Four Parts (34) Washee Ironee
(34) Opened by Mistake (34) The Ballad of Paducah Jail (34) Mama's Little
Pirate (34) Done in Oil (34) Fate's Fathead (34) You Bring the Ducks (34)
Shrimps for a Day (34) The Live Ghost (34) Bum Voyage (34) The Chases of
Pimple Street (34) Anniversary Trouble (35) Treasure Blues (35) Okay Toots!
(35) The Fixer Uppers (35) Beginner's Luck (35) Sing, Sister, Sing (35)
Poker at Eight (35) Southern Exposure (35) Teacher's Beau (35) The Four-Star
Boarder (35) Sprucin' Up (35) Lucky Beginners (35) Thicker Than Water (35)
The Infernal Triangle (35) Bonnie Scotland (35) Slightly Static (35) Little
Papa (35) Twin Triplets (35) Little Sinner (35) Manhattan Monkey Business
(35) Hot Money (35) Life Hesitates at 40 (35) Our Gang Folllies of 1936
(35) Public Ghost No. 1 (35) Top Flat (35) The Pinch Singer (36) All-American
Toothache (36) Divot Diggers (36) The Bohemian Girl (36) The Lucky Corner
(36) Second Childhood (36) On the Wrong Trek (36) Hill-Tillies (36) Arbor
Day (36) Kelly the Second (36) Two Too Young (36) Pay As You Exit (36)
Our Relations (36) Spooky Hooky (36) General Spanky (36) Pan Handlers (36)
Reunion in Rhythm (37) Glove Taps (37) Hearts Are Thumps (37) Way Out West
(37) Rushin' Ballet (37) Three Smart Boys (37) Roamin' Holiday (37) Night
'n Gales (37) Fishy Tales (37) Framing Youth (37) The Pigskin Palooka (37)
Mail and Female (37) Our Gang Follies of 1938 (37) Bear Fachts (38) Three
Men in a Tub (38) Came the Brawn (38) Feed 'em and Weep (38) Swiss Miss
(38) The Awful Tooth (38) Merrily We Live (38) Hide and Shriek (38) Canned
Fishing (38) Topper Takes a Trip (39) The Housekeeper's Daughter (39)
Turnabout (40) Captain Caution (40) Road Show (41) Broadway Limited (41)
Tanks a Million (41) Niagara Falls (41) Miss Polly (41) Brooklyn Orchid
(42) Dudes Are Pretty People (42) The McGuerins from Brooklyn (42) About
Face (42) Calaboose (43) Fall In (43) Taxi, Mister (43) Prairie Chickens
(43) Yanks Ahoy! (43) Sadie and Sally (48) Two Knights from Brooklyn (49)
The Three Musketeers (49) Serie "The Stu Erwin Show" (50) Serie "Racket
Squad" (50) Serie "My Little Margie" (52) Serie "The Public Defender" (54)
Serie "Passport to Danger" (54) Serie "Screen Directors Playhouse" (55)
Serie "The Charles Farrell Show" (56) Serie "The Gale Storm Show" (56)
Serie "Blondie" (57) Serie "Code 3" (57) One Million Years B.C. (66) Lantern
Hill (90) The Little Kidnappers (90)
Just Nuts (15) Lonesome Luke (15) The Hungry Actors (15)
Once Every Ten Minutes (15) Spit-Ball Sadie (15) Soaking the Clothes (15)
Pressing His Suit (15) Terribly Stuck Up (15) A Mixup for Mazie (15) Some
Baby (15) Fresh from the Farm (15) Giving Them Fits (15) Bughouse Bellhops
(15) Tinkering with Trouble (15) Great While It Lasted (15) Ragtime Snap
Shots (15) A Foozle at the Tee Party (15) Ruses, Rhymes and Roughnecks
(15) Peculiar Patients' Pranks (15) Lonesome Luke, Social Gangster (15)
Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary (16) Luke Lugs Luggage (16) Lonesome
Luke Lolls in Luxury (16) Luke, the Candy Cut-Up (16) Luke Foils the Villain
(16) Luke and the Rural Roughnecks (16) Luke Pipes the Pippins (16) Lonesome
Luke, Circus King (16) Luke's Double (16) Them Was the Happy Days! (16)
Luke and the Bomb Throwers (16) Luke's Late Lunchers (16) Luke Laughs Last
(16) Luke's Fatal Flivver (16) Luke's Society Mixup (16) Luke's Washful
Waiting (16) Luke Rides Roughshod (16) Luke, Crystal Gazer (16) Luke's
Lost Lamb (16) Luke Does the Midway (16) Luke Joins the Navy (16) Luke
and the Mermaids (16) Luke's Speedy Club Life (16) Luke and the Bang-Tails
(16) Luke, the Chauffeur (16) Luke's Preparedness Preparations (16) Luke,
the Gladiator (16) Luke, Patient Provider (16) Luke's Newsie Knockout (16)
Luke's Movie Muddle (16) Luke, Rank Impersonator (16) Luke's Fireworks
Fizzle (16) Luke Locates the Loot (16) Luke's Shattered Sleep (16) Luke's
Lost Liberty (17) Luke's Busy Day (17) Luke's Trolley Troubles (17) Lonesome
Luke, Lawyer (17) Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire (17) Lonesome Luke's Lively
Life (17) Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley (17) Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon
(17) Lonesome Luke, Plumber (17) Stop! Luke! Listen!
(17) Lonesome Luke, Messenger (17) Lonesome Luke, Mechanic (17) Lonesome
Luke's Wild Women (17) The Movie Mummy (18) Just Rambling Along (18) Back
to the Woods (18) Do You Love Your Wife? (19) On the Fire (19) Hoot Mon!
(19) Bumping Into Broadway (19) Captain Kidd's Kids (19) From Hand to Mouth
(19) Looking for Trouble (19) His Royal Slyness (20) Haunted Spooks (20)
An Eastern Westerner (20) High and Dizzy (20) Number, Please? (20) Now
or Never (21) I Do (21) Short Orders (23) Save the Ship (23) Scorching
Sands (23) At First Sight (23) Smithy (24) The White Sheep (24) The Big
Kick (25) What Women Did for Me (27) Unaccustomed As We Are (29) Men of
the North (30) Monsieur Le Fox (30) Let's Do Things (31) The Pajama Party
(31) On the Loose (31) The Devil's Brother (33) Arabian Tights (33) The
Ballad of Paducah Jail (34) Captain Fury (39) The Housekeeper's Daugher
(39) One Million B.C. (40) Turnabout (40) Road Show (41) Sadie and Sally
Among Those Present (21) I Do (21)
A Sailor-Made Man (21) Grandma's Boy (22) One Terrible Day (22) Fire Fighters
(22) Our Gang (22) Young Sherlocks (22) Doctor Jack (22) Saturday Morning
(22) A Quiet Street (22) The Champeen (23) The Cobbler (23) The Big Show
(23) A Pleasant Journey (23) Boys to Board (23) Giants vs. Yanks (23) Back
Stage (23) Dogs of War (23) Lodge Night (23) July Days (23) No Noise (23)
Stage Fright (23) Derby Day (23) Sunday Calm (23) Tire Trouble (24) Big
Business (24) The Buccaneers (24) Seein' Tings (24) The King of the Wild
Horses (24) Commencement Day (24) Cradle Robbers (24) Jubilo, Jr. (24)
It's a Bear (24) High Society (24) The Sun Down Limited (24) Every Man
for Himself (24) Fast Company (24) The White Sheep (24) The Mysterious
Mystery! (24) Battling Orioles (24) The Big Town (25) Circus Fever (25)
Dog Days (25) The Love Bug (25) Shootin' Injuns (25) Looking for Sally
(25) Ask Grandma (25) Official Officers (25) Boys Will Be Joys (25) Mary,
Queen of Tots (25) Your Own Back Yard (25) Black Cyclone (25) One Wild
Ride (25) Good Cheer (26) Buried Treasure (26) Monkey Business (26) Madame
Mystery (26) thundering Fleas (26) Shivering Spooks (26) The Fourth Alarm
(26) The Devil Horse (26) War Feathers (26) The Nickel-Hopper (26) Telling
Whoppers (26) Forty-five Minutes from Hollywood (26) Bring Home the Turkey
(27) Seeing the World (27) Ten Years Old (27) Slipping Wives (27) Love
My Dog (27) Tired Business Men (27) Baby Brother (27) Love 'Em and Weep
(27) The Glorious Fourth (27) Why Girls Love Sailors (27) Olympic Games
(27) With Love and Hisses (27) Sailores Beware (27) Chicken Feed (27) Love
'Em and Feed 'Em (27) Do Detectives Think? (27) The Battle of the Century
(27) Leave 'Em Laughing (28) Flying Elephants (28) The Smile Wins (28)
Perfect Day (29) Boxing Gloves (29) Brats (30) Chickens Come Home (31)
On the Loose (31) Choo-Choo! (32) Spanky (32) The Pooch (32) Hook and Ladder
(32) Free Wheeling (32) Mike Fright (34) Spooky Hooky (36)
The Squaw Man (14) Samson (14)
The Patchwork Girl of Oz (14) Number, Please? (20) Pardon Us (31) |