MAIL English Version

Kurt Fischer-Fehling

1904 - 1978

The actor Kurt Fischer-Fehling joined the film business in 1935. He played his first movie role in Douglas Sirk's "Das Mädchen vom Moorhof" (35) at Hansi Knoteck's and Ellen Frank's side.

Till 1941 followed other productions like "Ein seltsamer Gast" (36) with Alfred Abel, "Onkel Bräsig" (36) with Otto Wernicke in the title role, "Die fremde Frau" (39) with Eugen Klöpfer and "Jungens" (41) as Bannführer Krüger with Albert Hehn and Hilde Sessak.

His film career was interrupted by World War II, only in 1954 he appeared again in front of the camera - till his retirement exclusively for television. 
Wo these works belong "Der Teufel fährt in der 3. Klasse" (54), "Falsch verbunden" (55), "Die Festung" (57), an episode of the serial "Stahlnetz: Mordfall Oberhausen" (58), "Leben des Galilei" (62) and "Zeitsperre" (65).

Afterwards Kurt Fischer-Fehling retired from the film business.

Other movies with Kurt Fischer-Fehling:
Eskapade (54) Die Spieler (54) Der Briefträger ging vorbei (54)Die Festung (57) Die Sache mit Kasanzew (58) Serie "Stahlnetz: Sechs unter Verdacht" (58) Amédée – oder Die Kunst des Schuhputzens (64)
